
Cliquick Keyboard v2.09.05 XScale WM05 WM06 Incl Keygen Patch-COREPDA

Double your typing speed with Cliquick, a brilliant new keyboard layout for PDAs, so simple, you won't believe they didn't think of this before!

Cliquick is a unique, user-friendly, text-input solution which enables mobile device users to double their typing speed using the standard 12-key keyboard layout.
By redistributing the alphabet letters from 8 keys onto all 12 keys of a standard phone layout (50% more keys!), the most frequent letters are located in first position and thus require a single tap for entry. Using our patented algorithm, Cliquick enables users to type twice faster than using the standard Multitap solution. Typing a letter using Cliquick requires, in 70% of the time, only a single tap.

Cliquick is self explanatory and intuitive as shown by recent international market trials. After typing merely five sentences, users experienced faster typing with Cliquick than with the texting solution that they have been using for years! The majority of users said they would prefer a Cliquick keyboard on their mobile devices, rather than the standard Multitap.
Join The Cliquick Revolution - Set Your Fingers Free
The Fastest Mobile Text Input Solution

Cliquick Features

* 100% faster than standard Multitap keyboard layout
* 50% faster than T9
* 70% of characters require a single tap
* 50% less pauses between letters
* Less typos
* Less thumb stress ("Blackberry thumb")
* Better pressing feedback (for vibrate supporting devices)
* Bigger keys
* Utilizes the best pointing device available - your fingers!
* One handed solution
* More available screen space
* Self explanatory and Intuitive
* Easy to adapt to - and addictive!
* One tap switch between modes - letters, numbers or symbols
* Works with any text application (browser, messaging system, notepad etc.)
* Integrated with PDA's word completion, auto correction and spell checker
* Soon to be integrated with Predictive Text Algorithm
