



Posted: 17 Oct 2009 07:47 AM PDT

以下是来自The Future of Web Apps London (FOWA)大会的一篇演讲稿,演讲者是Digg、WeFollo以及Revision3的创始人之一Kevin Rosede。演讲者在这里讲述了九种让一个网站的用户数量从1到100万的方法。这些方法对一个网站的运营者来说是原则性的要把握好的几个方向,为了不至于翻译失去味道,我就直接把原文贴上来了。

#1. Ego
  1. Ask yourself: Does this feature increase the users self-worth or stoke the ego?
  2. If a user is contributing to my system, what emotional rewards do they walk away with? What (visible) rewards will they receive?
#2. Simplicity
  1. Stop over building features
  2. Pick 2-3 things to focus on
  3. Ask yourself: Is there anything I can take out of this feature?
#3. Build & Release
  1. Stop thinking you understand your users
  2. Learn from what they're actually doing on your site, not what you think they'll do
  3. Decide on what you're going to build… and build it (avoid analysis paralysis)
  4. Build, release, iterate, and repeat
#4. Hack The Press
  1. Invite only system (Pownce, Digg v3)
  2. Talk to the junior bloggers
  3. Attend parties for events you can't afford – network w/influencers, bring a demo
#5. Connect with your community
  1. Start a podcast (it's OK if not everyone listens)
  2. Throw a launch party, then yearly/quarterly  events – invite the press/influencers personally – don't tell the bar
  3. Engage w/the community, be an active participant your own ecosystem
#6. Advisors
  1. What technical problems are you going to have?
  2. Advisors can be helpful in a whole slew of areas (marketing/hiring/bizdev)
  3. Stock compensation, typically not a board seat, solid advisors help during fund raising
#7. Leverage your userbase to spread the word
#8. Does your product provide value for 3rd party sites?
#9. Analyze your traffic
  1. Install Google analytics
  2. Entrance sources (search?)
  3. Paths through site
  4. Top exit pages

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