来源 8 Habits Of Highly Effective Google Managers
译者 sissi_chen
Google’s "people operations" team (HR) has applied the Google Way (data analytics) to management analysis and developed a manifesto entitled Eight Habits Of Highly Effective Google Managers.
Google has used this manifesto to turn crappy managers into acceptable ones.
By teaching them the basics.
Specifically, the manifesto has helped engineering geniuses who know how to write code but have no idea how to manage people learn how to manage people.
Not surprisingly, it turns out that the eight habits of highly effective Google managers are the same as the eight habits of highly effective managers everywhere!
Courtesy of the New York Times, which edited the Google manifesto and wrote more about it here, here are the eight habits of highly effective Google managers and three pitfalls. The "good habits" are listed in order of priority, from most-important to least-important.
1. 当一名好教练 Be a good coach
* Provide specific, constructive feedback, balancing negative and positive
* Have regular one-on-ones, presenting solutions to problems tailored to the employee’s strengths
2. 下放权力,不要事无巨细 Empower your team and don’t micro-manage
* Balance giving freedom to your employees while still being available for advice
* Make "stretch" assignments to help them tackle big problems
3. 向工作出色和生活幸福美满的员工表达自己的感受 Express interest in employees’ success and well-being
* Get to know your employees as people, with lives outside of work
* Make new folks feel welcome, help ease the transition
4. 注重工作取得的成绩,以结果为导向 Be productive and results-oriented
* Focus on what you want the team to achieve and how employees can help achieve it
* Help the team prioritize work, and make decisions to remove roadblocks
5. 善于沟通,倾听团队的建议 Be a good communicator and listen to your team
* Communication is two-way: Both listen and share
* Hold all-hands meetings and be specific about the team’s goals
* Encourage open dialogue and listen to the questions and concerns of your employees
6. 帮助员工实现职业发展 Help your employees with career development
7. 团队的目标明确,战略清晰 Have a clear vision and strategy for the team
* Even amid turmoil, keep the team focused on goals and strategy
* Involve the team in setting and evolving the team’s vision, goals, and progress
8. 掌握关键的技术技能,这样就能向团队提供建议 Have key technical skills, so you can help advise the team
* Roll up sleeves and work side-by-side with team, when needed
* Understand the specific challenges of the work
1. 在转型为团队领导时遇到困难 Have trouble making transition to team leader
* Fantastic individual performers are often promoted to manager without the necessary skills to lead
* People hired from outside often don’t understand the specific ways of the company
2. 不能持续地追求业绩管理和职业发展 Lack a consistent approach to performance management and career development
* Doesn’t help employees understand what company wants
* Doesn’t coach employees on how they can develop and stretch
* Not proactive: Waits for the employees to come to them
3. 在管理和沟通上花的时间太少 Spend too little time on managing and communicating