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500万像素OLED全能手机 Nokia N85实测报告
如果你是对 Nokia N 系列有点了解的读者,应该都知道在 N 系中也有定位的差别,9 开头数字的型号通常都是高阶中的高阶,如 N95、N96;7 字头的手机则比较大众化,也多了一点设计感,不过在手机功能上就没有非常高阶,如 N73、N76、N78、N79;至于 8 字头的机型,售价通常都会比 9 字机要低一点,不过支持的手机功能却不输顶级款式,因此也受到很多消费者的喜爱,诺基亚 N82 可说是其中最具代表性的手机。最近 Nokia 也开始发售 诺基亚 N85,它同样也是一款 500 万画素手机,并具备 GPS、OLED 全彩屏幕、WLAN 以及 HSDPA,并采用 S60 3.2 版接口,是一款全方位的多媒体手机。
OLED 屏幕 画面艳丽
它与其它 N 系手机最大的不同,就在屏幕规格上。诺基亚 N85 采用的是 2.6 吋大的 OLED 屏幕,有 1670 万色的显色能力,分辨率则为 240 x 320 画素;OLED 与一般 TFT 相比,画面的对比度更高,因此颜色看起来相当艳丽,我们之前已经把它与 N79 的屏幕拿来比对过了,而在屏幕上方还有一个光源感应器,可自动调整屏幕亮度,节省耗电量;以及一个 VGA 规格的视讯相机,除了可以拨打视讯电话之外,还能拿来自拍。
诺基亚 N85 正面是以全黑色抛光塑料机壳包覆,可惜的是十分容易留下指纹,或是会有刮伤的危险,在保养上要特别注意。屏幕下方有接听、挂断键、五向控制键、多媒体键,另外还有四个隐藏按键(左、右软件键、主选单键、删除键),平时几乎看不见,但开启屏幕后,这四个按键就会有白色背光衬托,方便使用。在侧面与背面的地方,手机都上了咖啡棕色,背盖的部份还有曲线雕刻纹路,同样也做了抛光处理。不过,我们拿到的测试机因为已经有许多媒体测试过,因此似乎组装上有点松动,在按挂断键时居然还有机壳异音传出。
▲ 咖啡配色比较保守一点,喜欢与否全看各人。
附带一提,诺基亚 N85 的五向控制键同时也支持「Navi 滚轮」功能,可以像 iPod 一样用旋转触碰的方式来操控光标,不过在使用时要抓一下位置,因为它主要辨识的地方位于黑色中央键的外围,并不是银色的方向键区域,所以在操控的时候,手指最好是在黑色中央键区域转,以免手机辨识不到。下面有一段操控的示范影片,不了解的读者可以看看。
此外,诺基亚 N85 内建重力感应器,因此可以支持屏幕自动转向功能,而且它的反应十分快,不会要你等半天,而它也支持拍照时的相片方向设定,在你观看照片的时候将相片自动旋转到正确的位置。但如果你不喜欢手机屏幕动不动就转来转去的话,也可以在设定中把它关闭。
▲ Navi 转轮、重力感应器设定都可以自订开关。
与 N95、N81 相同,诺基亚 N85 同样也采用可上下滑动的双向滑盖设计,屏幕往上滑可以露出数字键盘,而在机顶的部分则有四个按键,将屏幕往下滑就可以看到,这四个按键在不同的程序中有不同的功能,如在待机画面下,可以操控音乐的播放、音乐播放器中可选曲、N-Gage 游戏里可当作游戏控制键、观看相片的时候还可以放大或缩小相片;每个按键上都有隐藏的图示,背后的白色背光会在不同的程序中亮起,以提示使用者。
另外,诺基亚 N85 另一个方向的滑盖(也就是开启机顶按钮的那一段),需要用一点力气才能打开,反而是由下而上的滑盖很流畅,不需花很多力道就可以打开。
▲ 待机画面下,可以操控音乐播放。
▲ 玩 N-Gage 游戏时,中央两键就变成了游戏键。
▲ 看相片时,放大镜的图示会亮起,代表可以用它来放大缩小影像。
▲ 数字按键的间隔还算宽,不容易按错,也不会过硬。
诺基亚 N85 内建立体声双喇叭,全部都设置在手机的右侧,这是考虑到使用者会把手机打横观看影片,如此一来就能以正常的左右声道输出音乐。不过 诺基亚 N85 的喇叭音质并不十分出色,虽然音量足够,但低音部分有点破破的。另外,延续 N 系列的传统,诺基亚 N85 依旧在手机上加入 3.5 mm 耳机孔,想听高音质音乐的话,不妨购买个高价耳机插上,绝对会比喇叭单放来得好很多。
▲ 手机右侧,由左至右为立体声喇叭、快门键、手机锁、音量键。
另外,在手机左侧有一个 microSD 记忆卡插槽,可支援热插拔,内建防尘盖的设计相信也会受许多用户欢迎。诺基亚还很大方的随机附赠高达 8 GB 的 microSD 记忆卡,里面还有一套 PAPAGO! VR-One 导航软件,因此消费者不需要再花钱买这些东西了。
▲ 手机左侧,只有 microSD 记忆卡。
▲ 手机顶端,由左至右为 micro USB、3.5 mm 耳机孔、电源键。
附送线控耳机、TV-Out 线
在 诺基亚 N85 手机包装中,除了 8 GB 记忆卡外,Nokia 还附上另外两样配件,一个是 AD-54 线控免持耳机转接线,它除了有免持听筒的功能之外,上面还有音乐快捷键,在不方便把手机取出的场合也能轻松操控;另一样是 CA-75U AV 连接线,与手机连接后,可将手机的画面与声音利用 AV 端子输出到电视或投影机上。
▲ AD-54 转接在线还是有 3.5 mm 耳机孔。
▲ CA-75U AV 连接线。
500 万高阶摄影
诺基亚 N85 内建 500 万画素自动对焦相机,以目前来看还是最高等级(毕竟诺基亚的 800 万画素机种到现在还没有下文),并且也搭载蔡司认证镜头;令人高兴的是,诺基亚 N85 相机镜头设计了一个手动的滑动式镜头盖,可充分保护镜头不被刮伤或是弄脏,只要把镜头盖往下滑,就会直接开启拍摄接口。此外相机也有一个双 LED 闪光灯,可作一定程度的补光。
▲ 相机内建镜头盖,往下滑就可以打开。
诺基亚 N85 的拍照接口与其它 N 系机种相同,都是采用横式全屏幕预览,并用方向键来调整相机功能,相机除了可拍摄最大 500 万画素的相片之外,也支持 VGA 30 FPS 录像、录像防手震、GPS 照片、白平衡设定、照片色调、曝光补偿、ISO 感光度等等,十分完整。
▲ 相机接口与场景模式。
▲ 自动定时器与闪光灯设定。
▲ 手机可拍摄 VGA 30 FPS 的 MPEG-4 影片。
▲ 支持感光度与曝光补偿调整。
▲ 连拍与白平衡设定。
最近台北天气不是很好,因此我们并没有用手机拍摄很多照片,以下照片供大家参考。整体来看,诺基亚 N85 在室内日光灯源下的自动白平衡表现没有很好,照片都带有一点日光灯的绿色,在阴天的户外拍摄照片,画面有时会偏蓝,不过颜色的饱和度都算不错。在细节部分,相片看起来还蛮锐利的,不过可能因为 JPEG 的压缩比有点过高,因此影响到画面,在一些地方都可以看到 JPEG 压缩的 artifact。
在 ISO 感光度表现的部分,诺基亚 N85 支持自动、低、中、高四种等级的 ISO 感光度,在检视 EXIF 信息后发现,低感光度大约为 ISO 100(EXIF 显示为 ISO 104)、中感光度约为 ISO 400(EXIF 显示为 ISO 388)、高感光度则高达 ISO 1600(EXIF 显示为 ISO 1555),细看三种感光度的实拍相片,低与中感光度的表现都还不错,但高感光度的噪声就有点过高,而且在日光灯下拍照非常容易有干涉条纹产生。
N 系列不用多说,大家都知道它是强调多媒体的体验,因此在 诺基亚 N85 中同样内建许多多媒体应用程序。首先是很多 N 系都有的多媒体选单,只要按一下五向控制键旁边的长条型按键就可以打开,其中可以快速存取七种多媒体功能,包括音乐、图片、地图、网络等等。
在音乐方面,诺基亚 N85 也十分完整,它支持均衡器、专辑封面图片、立体声强化、还有三种可视化效果;此外 诺基亚 N85 支持 FM 发送器的功能,你能够把自己正在听的音乐经由 FM 传送出去,只要是支持收音机的任何装置,调到一样的频率后,就可以听到你发送出来的声音了。由于它是广播性质,因此没有限制可收讯的人数,但是音质就稍微差了一点,而且广播发送的功率不高,因此只能在近距离内使用。
▲ 支持 ID3 tag、专辑封面图片。
▲ 手机有不错的音效微调能力。
▲ 可视化效果。
▲ 内建 FM 发送器,把你在听的音乐与其它人分享。
另一方面,诺基亚 N85 也内建 FM 收音机,并支持 RDS,如果你喜欢听网络电台的话,手机也可以上网收听,而它当然也支持 Podcast 播放,只怕你不晓得要听什么。
▲ 内建 FM 收音机与网络收音机。
诺基亚 N85 的相片浏览接口与其它 N 系机种差不多,都采用轮播切换式的浏览方法,不过 诺基亚 N85 有完整的分享机制,除了可以经由蓝牙发送之外,也可以经由网络传送至在线分享网站,手机内建 Ovi、Flickr、Vox 与地图日记四个网站,如果你有这些网站的账号的话,可以省掉不少计算机处理的时间。
内建 N-Gage
诺基亚 N85 由于双向滑盖的便利性,非常适合用手机来玩 N-Gage 游戏,而诺基亚也从善如流,在手机中内建 15 个试玩版 N-Gage 游戏,并且还送一款游戏的授权码,可以用在任一款游戏上,让你玩得更尽兴。
▲ 虽然都是试玩版,不过还是可以先玩玩,喜欢再购买完整版。
▲ N-Gage 游戏实际操作影片。
双 GPS 导航软件
虽然 诺基亚 N85 中内建 Nokia Maps,图资也已经正体中文化,不过诺基亚还是送了一套 PAPAGO! VR-One 导航软件,很有诚意;由于有 AGPS 加持,诺基亚 N85 的 GPS 定位时间很短,从开启 Nokia Maps 到定位成功只花了不到 10 秒的时间,实用性更加分。不过,Nokia Maps 的导航功能需要收费,因此大多数的人还是喜欢用 PAPAGO。
而在其它应用程序方面,诺基亚 N85 内建两套英汉汉英辞典、可看 PDF 档的 Adobe Reader、浏览 Office 档案用的 Quickoffice(仅有浏览功能)、以及语音命令、行动股市、口袋书店等。
我们利用 SPMark for Symbian OS v9 来测试手机的 3D 效能,可能是因为 诺基亚 N85 没有支持 3D 硬件加速的关系,测试出来的分数只有 988 分,并不算很高;而利用 NSysinfo 查询到的手机系统信息显示,诺基亚 N85 采用 192 MHz 的处理器,在一般使用的情况下,手机的反应还算迅速。
▲ SPMark 测试结果。
▲ NSysinfo 信息。
诺基亚 N85 有不错的大型 OLED 屏幕,功能也十分完整,很有 N 系大将的风范,不过在手机市场中,诺基亚 N85 却得面对前辈 N82 的威胁,因为两者同为 5MP 机种,而 N82 照相功能是出了名的有口碑,诺基亚 N85 在处于价格劣势之下,未来的前景如何,还需仔细观察。
Mobiion MagiCall for SP (Cracked - Dr. Incredible)
File Name: Mobiion MagiCall for SP (Cracked - Dr. Incredible)
File Submitter: kingii
File Submitted: 22 Nov 2008
File Category: Smartphone software
The BEST Call/SMS filter software for your Windows Mobile device!
MagiCall is a smart, rule based filter software for SMS filtering and dual-way calls filtering.
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Key Features
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SBSH PocketWeather v2.1.0 Build 3864 for SP
File Name: SBSH PocketWeather v2.1.0 Build 3864 for SP
File Submitter: kingii
File Submitted: 22 Nov 2008
File Category: Smartphone software
Get world wide weather reports directly to your Windows Mobile Smartphone device using the all new PocketWeather 2!
PocketWeather is the best weather tracking solution for Windows Mobile devices! Featuring a robust weather engine wrapped with a stylish and easy to use interface. Including special Facade integration placing your weather forecast directly on your device Home screen and the powerful WeatherConsole for advanced weather information such as: humidity, wind details, cloud layers, METAR stations information, earthquake details and much more!
The WeatherConsole
* The WeatherConsole is an advanced weather tracking solution at the palm of your hands!
* Including separate views for: Summary, METAR, Forecast, Radar Images, Locations Compare and Earthquake tracking!
* Define unlimited weather maps and radar images for each of the weather locations
* Up-to-date current condition METAR feeds as used by the aviation industry
* View extended daily forecast including visibility, humidity, dew point, Sunrise and Sunset times and much more
Facade Integration
* Using the new PocketWeather 2 and Facade you will enjoy new exciting integration features!
View weather forecast icons and temperature details for upcoming days directly within the Facade Schedule display on your Home screen, enhancing your agenda overview with your weather forecast for each day!
Advanced Weather Information
* World wide earthquake tracking and reports. View quakes on world map or recent quakes list
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Custom Layouts and Weather Source Templates
* New Custom Layout technology allowing to create endless advanced or simple weather display layouts for use within the WeatherConsole Summary view!
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File Name: kinoma freeplay cracked
File Submitter: kingii
File Submitted: 22 Nov 2008
File Category: Smartphone software
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Trinket Software PowerSMS 1.3
File Name: Trinket Software PowerSMS 1.3
File Submitter: kingii
File Submitted: 22 Nov 2008
File Category: Smartphone software
6 useful text messaging utilities in 1 cool app.
PowerSMS is a mobile application for people who love text messaging. It enables a number of interesting communication scenarios, which are either cumbersome or impossible without it.
PowerSMS does not replace your phone's built-in text messaging features. Instead, it works with the same folders and messages you already have. It's simple, performs tasks quickly, and gets out of the way. Use PowerSMS to improve communications with your family, friends and colleagues, and they'll wonder how you do it!
* Note to Self: Need to capture a thought or send yourself a reminder? With PowerSMS, there's no fumbling around to type your own phone number or search for a contact.
* Group SMS: Texting the same set of people over and over again? PowerSMS lets you create groups of contacts, and drastically reduces the number of clicks required to text them.
* Auto Reply: Ever ignore a phone call while you're in a meeting or movie theater? Let PowerSMS respond to those calls automatically with a text message, thus politely letting them know when you'll call back.
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* Cool Stats: Let PowerSMS analyze your messages and tell you interesting things like when and with whom you text the most over a given period. Just for fun or to verify your bill.
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* Localized in English, French, Italian and Swedish.
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Conduits Pocketplayer v3.7 Smartphone (Cracked - Dr. Incredible)
File Name: Conduits Pocketplayer v3.7 Smartphone (Cracked - Dr. Incredible)
File Submitter: kingii
File Submitted: 22 Nov 2008
File Category: Smartphone software
Pocket Player 3.7 is a rockin' way to enjoy music and video on your Windows Mobile device. Through multiple media and playlist formats, Internet connectivity, plugin extensions, and an intuitive interface, Pocket Player means less taps, more music!
What Makes Pocket Player Different?:
* Full music and video support: MP3, WMA, WMV, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, and WAV!
* Protected WMA support, u-Law, A-Law, AU, and ADPCM WAV (used in Voicemail attachments) playback
* Media Browser menu system, with touch scrolling and gesture support!
* Media Library, with ratings support, auto-imports 1000+ tracks with ease!
* 10-band Equalizer and Preamp, with presets!
* Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP): browse and play content from your desktop!
* Web guide for Internet radio, MP3 blogs and podcast streaming, with pause, auto-resume and seek functionality!
* Voicemail playback (WAV attachments), integrates to your Inbox!
* Visualizations and downloadable Album Art support
* Full Windows Mobile support, including version 2002, 2003, WM5 Pocket PC and Smartphone, and Windows Mobile 6 compatibility!
* Support for Bluetooth stereo headphones (A2DP), buttons (AVRCP), and mono headsets (Audio Gateway)!
* Skinnable (Pocket Player, WMP, and WinAmp WSZ skins) for all device resolutions with color change ability
* Themed and skinned Today plugin on touchscreen devices
* Internet radio (HTTP), Windows Network (MMS), Shoutcast, Icecast streaming
* ID3 v1/v1.1/v2 reading; scans device in background
* Gapless playback with adjustable crossfading
* Playlist manager, auto-generating smart playlists!
* DSP Plugin support, including time stretch and Bass Boost
* User-managed Bookmarks support; jump to a file and time
* For Podcasts and audio books: bookmarks, "Seek to last position", Auto-resume
* Hardware button mapping, button locking, one-handed navigation, including support for scroll wheels
* Adjustable sleep timer, automatic screen shutoff function
Whats new in v3.7?:
Improved browser, library, touch gestures (PPC), UPnP, lyrics and more!
Read more about whats new here:
Click here to download this file 标签:sofeware cell phone games windows mobile symbian palm
Spb Online 1.1 for SP with Keygen
Mobile TV, radio, news, weather, online games and on-device catalog combined in one application with breakthrough usability optimized for smartphones.
Version 1.1 (October 08, 2008):
* Chat for online games added
* PLS support for online radio added
* The "Unexpected server answer" bug in online radio
* Minor bug fixed
Download: 标签:sofeware cell phone games windows mobile symbian palm
WebIS Flexmail 4.01 Build 3097 (Cracked - Dr. Incredible)
File Name: WebIS Flexmail 4.01 Build 3097 (Cracked - Dr. Incredible)
File Submitter: kingii
File Submitted: 22 Nov 2008
File Category: Smartphone software
Manage your email with FlexMail
FlexMail 4 is a full-featured award-winning (2004/2005/2006/2007) Email application that works with your device's built-in Messaging client to provide the best Exchange and IMAP connectivity available on Windows Mobile! Use FlexMail to improve your ActiveSync or SMS messaging with our multiple signature support, multiple folder searches, and cross-account email copies and moves. Use FlexMail to connect with the best IMAP feature-set on Windows Mobile with easy to configure yet powerful folder settings. Set each folder to download differently, notify of new messages, and get email using PUSH use IMAP IDLE.
FlexMail 4 is a major upgrade from FlexMail 2007 and offers many huge changes including:
* Better IMAP features support (server search to filter messages, server-side messages parsing, more message operations done over IDLE, single attachment download etc.)
* Supports MMS on most devices
* IMAP server folders redesign (more settings, easier to use)
* Accounts and Application settings redesign
* Single-page view redesign (tabs gone, new left panel with IDLE indication)
* Original Email HTML reply/forward
* New Notification settings (global-account-folder)
* Internal changes (messages saved already parsed, better save/load performance on WM5 etc.)
* Asian Language Encoding Plugin
* Improved internals
Smartphone & PocketPC Magazine Best Software Awards
FlexMail supports reading and replying to ActiveSync/SMS/Hotmail email for basic operations or through its more powerful POP3/IMAP4 services to your email server. With support for industry standard SSL and SOCKS proxies, you can connect to almost any email provider including GMail! Use FlexMail as an adjunct to Windows Mobile Messaging or as a near complete replacement.
With FlexMail's many options you can customize your email usage much more than the Windows Mobile device Messaging allows. Receive your email via ActiveSync and respond via your POP3/IMAP4 SMTP account. Get immediate per email or per folder notifications via IMAP IDLE! Have FlexMail only hold the last 5 days of your IMAP folders. Create local folders and server folders. Synchronize by age, size, and synchronizations status on a per folder basis allowing you to get only the last 5 day's worth of email in your Inbox but the last months in your Personal folder, for example.
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