
TASWYC v1.0 - Touch Any Screen With Your Camera

File Name: TASWYC v1.0 - Touch Any Screen With Your Camera
File Submitter: Michael
File Submitted: 7 Oct 2008
File Category: Symbian OS software


Enhance the experience of using your ordinary mobile phone by simulating touch screen behavior with your phone camera.


(Multi-)Touch screen is a very fancy interface. Some people don't have the chance to live its superb experience as it is expensive. So there should be a way to bring that joy to non-touch-screened devices. TASWYC is the way! The user moves object against camera then the app reflects movements to on-screen pointer.

TAS key: a virtual touch keypad used for writing instead of using the ordinary keypad.

TAS proof: a simple prototype of the famous graph game "Planarity". Test the drag and drop!


General Requirements: Screen resolution 320x240, S60 devices, and J2ME with CLDC-1.1 MIDP-2.0
TAS proof:
Phone Model: tested on Nokia N73
Installation Memory:29 K
RAM:26.9 K
General Memory:1.9 M
TAS key & TkLauncher:
Phone Model: tested on Nokia N73
Installation Memory:86 K
RAM:26.9 K
General Memory:1.9 M

Usage Instructions

It is important to follow the usage instructions of the application document pdf file for best user experience.
For TAS key: download the launcher "the app1_TkLauncher_S60_3_X_v_1_0_0.sisx" and the jar file "the app2_TAS key.jar"
For TAS proof: download the jar file "the app3_TAS proof.jar_"
You can download the documentation pdf file "Application Document.pdf"
You may download "pointers.png" hinted about in the documentation.

Click here to download this file
