Powerfull maintenance toolkit. Cleaning the registry and the file system, FreeUP RAM, other methods of system maintenance and much more...
- Clear temporary and cache folders such as IE contents, IE history, Mail attachments, Terminal Server client cache, Opera cache, NetFront cache and custom user folders
- Find and delete:
- temporary, empty and absolete files
- bad registry keys and values
- empty registry keys
- bad shortcuts
- duplicate shortcuts
- duplicate notify queue entry/entries
- bad uninstall info
- files depending on their size or/and names (wipe optional)
- duplicate files (search by the name,size,crc)
- MS Reader bookmarks (taking into account the bookmark's in-use/not-in-use status)
- empty folders
- past appointments
- Delete PIE history (registry)
- Show the list of the installed programs including their size and date
- Show the list of files and registry keys of the installed programs
- Uninstall program
- Save the installed programs list to a text file
This option can free up 50K-2M of RAM
- Send hibernation message
- Compact Heaps (WM5 only)
- Imitate the "memory low" situation
- Close tasks
- Scheduler for silent background start
- more than 70 tweaks in 10 categories
- Browse registry
- View keys and values
- Delete keys and values
- Create new keys
- Create/Modify values (REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_BINARY, REG_DWORD)
- Export (Unicode REGEDIT5)
- Import (Unicode REGEDIT5, REGEDIT4)
- Backup/restore
- Search
- View and manage CAB, CPF and TSK files on device
- Show content (files, registry, shortcuts) of CAB, CPF and TSK files
- Files extraction
- Installation ("standard" and "by SKTools") from CAB files
- Other...
- Move Installed Programs
- Move folders
- Move files
- Other...
- Search for duplicate contacts, appointments and tasks
- Show past and reccuring appointments
- Delete PIM data (contacts, tasks, appointments, messages and mail accounts)
- View, enable/disable, add and delete records
- Find duplicates
- Auto (may be disabled) backup of a registry key prior to its deletion
- Full system backup (may not work correctly in some cases with certain devices)
- Sheduled full backup
- Independent registry, filesystem, databases, PIM, ActiveSync Partnership, MSReader activation backup
- Self backup
- Password protection for the backup files
- Find and restore all of the SKTools backup files
- Good compression of the backup files
- Display the card(s) info (size, ID, slack, ...)
- Format, Scan and Fix (hardware dependent)
- Empty
- Rename
- Other...
- Show the list of databases (CEDB, EDB)
- Delete, Empty
- View content, find and replace text
- Export/Import to/from an XML file (device and database dependent)
- Show all the processes including the list of process' modules
- Display the info of memory usage, threads, command line
- Close one or selected processes
- Display the list of the programs run at the system's bootup
- Delete program
- Add new
- Programs startup sequence management (device dependent)
- Run SKTools at the system's bootup
- Run SKTools every day at the user defined time (powering the device off after the operation is complete)
- User defined operations list
- Background mode (run in the background, just LED blinking)
- Registry optimization for WM5/WM6 New!
- Windows services maintenance
- CPU usage
- Search and replace in Registry
- Delete ALL contacts, appointments, tasks, messages option
- Show Messaging Files
- Show Replaced ROM files New!
- View and manage Today plugins
- View and manage Input methods
- View and manage SIM contacts (PocketPC PE)
- View and manage SIM SMS (PocketPC PE)
- Compact and purge call history (PocketPC PE)
- System Information
- Storage Analizer - display all the folders including their sizes, display all files by types, attributes etc.. New!
- Change the location of PIE cache, PIE history, PIE coockies, AvantGO data, NetFront cach, Messaging (outlook) files
- System optimisation option
- Soft and Hard(for certain devices) reset
- Command line support (screen off/on,power off, soft/hard reset and more...)
- Shortcut Wizard
- Change system files paths (you can move some dlls from the windows folder to any location, for example to storage cards)
- Multi-language support ( English, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Chinese)
- Free updates from SKTools 4.xx.xx to SKTools 4.yy.yy versions
- More...
Compatible with WM 2003(SE), WM5 Pocket PC, WM6 Classic and Professional
- improved "Notification Queue" for work with WM6.1
- "Input Methods": new setting for default input method (delay in ms.)
- some options now work more fast
- added #FILESBAK command line
- added #HT command line
- SIM Contacts show more than one sim book 4.1.24:
- added new option "Events"
- added column "time" in Files option
- SKTools will check inserted card before make HR
- added setting for power off device after auto freeup ram
- in "System Information" added time from last boot and idle time