File Submitter: momax
File Submitted: 9 Oct 2008
File Category: PocketPC / Palm Software
GVMobile PocketBrush - painting and photo-editing in the palm of your hand. GVMobiles PocketBrush is a new feature-rich and easy-to-use truecolor paint and image-editing program for Windows Mobile based Pocket PCs.
* Load and save JPEG, BMP and PNG images and import GIF and 2BP images.
* 5 Selection Tools: Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee, Lasso, Magic Wand and Polygonal Lasso
* 5 Paint Tools: Pen, Brush, Airbrush, Spraycan and Eraser
* Draw basic shapes such as lines, curves, rectangles, rectangles with round edges, circles, ellipses, and polygons
* Floodfill and linear, bilinear, circular, square and conical Gradient Tools
* 8 Filter Brush Tools: Blur, Sharpen, Smudge, Lighter, Darker, Tint, Red Eye Reduction and Healing
* Many additional tools like Eyedropper, Text Tool, and various zoom levels
* Colorbars, color swatches and color dialogs for fast RGB spectrum or Palette access.
* 8 predefined palettes (swatches) including Rainbow, Sepia and Visibone*
* Image Transformations: Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Luminance, Gamma Correction, Colorize, Invert, Grayscale, Rotate, Flip, Resize
* Image Filters: Gaussian Blur, Motion Blur, Radial Blur, Average (lowpass), Sharpen, Unsharp Mask, Despackle, Add Noise, Jitter, Edge Detect, Emboss, Find Contours, Custom Textures, Dither, Sepia, Mosaic, Oilpaint, Offset, Sphere, Swirl, Waves, RGB Separation, Solarize and Threshold
* Compatible with Windows Mobile 2003, 2003SE and 5.0
* Windows Mobile 2003SE and 5.0 VGA and Landscape support
PocketBrush User Interface
Realizing complex, graphic oriented applications for the Pocket PC platform requires user interface customization to allow fast access to the most common fuctions despite the limited screen real estate. The PocketBrush User Interface consists of a menubar, a custom toolbar and an optional colorbar. The menu bar consists of the File, Edit, View and Filter and View menus and two buttons. To make it just one click away, we have placed the Undo function directly in the menubar. The second button is the modifier button. Desktop applications use the Shift and Ctrl key to change function behavior, but most Pocket PCs dont come with a keyboard and even if a Pocket PC has a keyboard, the Shift and Ctrl keys work different on each device. The modifier button is a three-state-button (off - plus - minus) which can be used together with the selection tools and the rectangle and ellipse tools. It forces rectangles and ellipses to quadrats and circles and allows you to add or remove areas from the current selection.
Custom image manipulation and filter dialogs appear at the bottom of the screen to use as little screen real estate as possible. To cancel image manipulation and filter operations, all dialogs have cancel buttons in form of a small x icon at the top right corner.
PocketBrush Toolbar
The PocketBrush toolbar gives you fast access to most of the tools needed to create and edit images. Grouped tools have a small triangle in the lower right of the head tool for that particular group. Click on a selected head tool that has the triangle icon and the flyout group/menu showing all tools in this particular group appears. The 12 tool groups are grouped together in a toolbar and a stylebar section:
* Selection Tools: Rectangle, Lasso, Magic Wand, Polygon
* Drawing and Painting Tools: Pen, Brush, Airbrush, Spraycan, Eraser
* Geometric Shapes: Line, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon
* Filter Brush Tool: Blur, Sharpen, Smudge, Lighter, Darker, Tint, Red Eye Reduction, Healing Brush
* Eyedropper
* Text Tool
* Zoom
* Color Selector
* FillStyle
* Brush Collection
* Background Mode
Many of the tools have optional parameters which can be accessed by tapping and holding on the tools icon. Optional parameters include select tolerance, gradient styles and paint opacity.
Selecting Color
PocketBrush offers multiple ways of selecting colors.
For fast color access one of two permanent colorbars can be activated via the View menu.
The colorbar can be placed at all four corners of the screen to reduce the needed screen real estate for portrait or landscape mode. To select a foreground color from the colorbar just tap on the color. To select a background color tap-and-hold on the color.
Color Selector Tool
The Color Selector Tool show the current foreground and background colors.
To change the foreground or background color you can click on the foreground or background color box. This will display the current palette.
The foreground and background can be switched by clicking on the little arrow in the upper right corner of the Color Selector icon. To set the default foreground/background colors click on the small black and white squares icon to the lower left of the Color Selector icon. This will reset the foreground and background color to black and white. Tapping-and-Holding on one of the colors boxes will open a color picker dialog box.
Color Picker Dialog Box
The color picker dialog box allows you to enter colors by RGB values and to select the current palette. PocketBrush comes with 6 predefined swatch like palettes including the Visibone* Color Palette, and an RGB Spectrum palette.
The Eyedropper tool is used to select a specific color from within the image. Any color the you click on with the Eyedropper will make that the foreground color. Tapping-and-Holding on the image will select the current background color.
Selecting Image Areas
Selecting an area of an image is helpful when you want to change the color of a section of the graphic, apply a filter or gradient to alter the appearance, or copy/clear the selected area. PocketBrush provides an assortment of tools for selecting the portion of the image with which you want to apply image operations: Select Rectangle or Select Ellipse to select rectangular or elliptical areas, Select Lasso to create freehand selections, Select Magic Wand for selecting a consistently colored area and Select Polygon for freehand selections made up of straight line segments.
The modifier button allows you to add or remove areas from the current selection and the Edit menu offers options to Select the entire image, inverse the selection and to select similar colored areas.
To unselect everything click on an unselected area of the image or click on the select tool icon again.
The toolbar background mode determines if a selection is pasted transparent or not. If the transparent background mode is used, pixels in the selection will not be pasted if the pixels match the current background color.
Tip: To fill in an irregularly shaped area with a specific color, select the color as the current background color and choose Cut from the edit menu.
Image Filters and Transformations (Image Menu)
PocketBrush provides a wide variety of image filters and transformations. These effects can be applied to the entire image or an selected area.
Image Transformations
* Brightness/Contrast
* Hue/Saturation
* Gamma Correction
* Colorize
* Invert
* Grayscale
Image Filters (Filter Menu)
* Gaussian Blur
* Motion Blur
* Radial Rotate Blur
* Radial Zoom Blur
* Blur
* Average (lowpass)
* Sharpen
* Unsharp Mask
* Despeckle
* Monochrome Noise
* Color Noise
* Jitter
* Edge Detect
* Emboss
* Find Contours
* Texture
* Dither
* Sepia
* Mosaic
* Oilpaint
* Offset
* Sphere
* Swirl
* Waves
* Solarize
* RGB Threshold
* Monochrome Threshold
* Color Threshold
Custom texture bitmaps in JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP format can be added to the PocketBrush Textures directory. On english Windows Mobile devices the Textures directory is located at \Program Files\GVMobile\PocketBrush\Textures.
System requirements: Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE, Windows Mobile 5, Windows Mobile 6
Installation type: EXE
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