
Gensnet N82Smart v1.06 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Unsigned Cracked-illusion

File Name: Gensnet N82Smart v1.06 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Unsigned Cracked-illusion
File Submitter: Michael
File Submitted: 7 Oct 2008
File Category: Symbian OS software

- A Program compatible with telephone Nokia N-series,
- A ScreenSaver with large time hours.
- In upper line of the ScreenSaver displayed:
- on the left - general time of the functioning smartphone since moment of the start.
- on the right - time of the functioning smartphone since moment of the last use the telephone (the activities).
- In bottom line of the ScreenSaver is displayed number missed CALLs and SMSs. If there is missed CALLs and SMSs, colour of the numerals of the ScreenSaver is inverted.
- A Count and image of time of the work with moment of the start N72smart:
- an backlight,
- an uses by telephone.
- time of the functioning in mode MP3 (on drawing number "0" after ":").
- A Built-in ScreenSaver defines the arrival of the message from ICQ (Jimm and his(its) modification). Works if it is included option (SS detect activ.(ICQ)) and in Jimm'e - surfacing window.
That is to say if the message ICQ came during working ScreenSaver then on ScreenSaver it is displayed in the manner of "ICQ ",

- A Quick input in mode of the ScreenSaver from condition worker table (two times "#"). When start the ScreenSaver, possible block the keys if option Autolock is ON.
- A Quick output from lock mode of the keys (two times "#").
- A Possibility to minimized (RATHER THEN CLOSING) of the programs on striking the Red button.
- A Possibility of the closing the programs on ABC + Red button.
If, holding ABC, press Redden button - will occur closing of application.
But if, for the following second holding ABC, press once again Redden button - will occur "killing" applications.
- A Mode of the torch (not backligth off), works before enabling the ScreenSaver (the mode is switched ABC+C) or during 30 mines inactivity telephone (first #, then ABC+C).
- A Start MP3 (Alon MP3 player) on striking the Music key.
- A Start Radio (Visual Radio) on striking ABC + Music key.
- A Possibility of the auto unhooking Bluetooth through given timeout.
- A Built-in switch of the language (ABC + "*").
- A Long keystroke "0" causes browser Opera.
- A Built-in switch of the language (ABC + "*").
- A Possibility to autoincrease loudness of the talk, when installing the vocal join. The Option "Do phone volume up" must be included.
- Any program Control with SWITCHED off backligth. Regrettably control incomplete, by reason of restrictions Symbian in lock mode, but on majority of the programs will be enough. So, for instance, will comfortable control the music, sparing battery.
In this mode (MP3 mode) must work the keys: "#", "*" and 0-9. To translate any program in such mode it is necessary to press 2 times "#", then MM key. Output thereof mode: 2 times "#".

N82smart & N72smart settings

System settings:
"Minimize on start (s)" - through how much move program after start (sec)
"BT auto off (s)" - timeout auto unhooking Bluetooth (sec)
"Autolock" - autolock keys when enabling the ScreenSaver, output from blocking two times "#"
"Use 2 # press to unlock" - use double striking "#" for unlocking
"High Front Priority" - is included for correct functioning(working) the ScreenSaver (be over all windows)
"Language switcher" - a switch of the language, ABC + "*"
"Lang key ABC only"- switch language on long press ABC key (1 sec)
"Lang. mess.time (ms)" - duration of the showing the message of the selected language of the entering

The telephone settings:
"Desktop active on ring" - actuate desktop at answer to coming bell. Without this options, smartphone actuates application active before bell.
"Do phone volume up" - Enlarge loudness when installing tel. join
"Volume down count" - on how much reduce loudness in radio and at talk on striking ABC
"Volume up count" - on how much enlarge loudness, 0 - not to enlarge, 10 - a maximum

ScreenSaver settings:
"SS enable" - an enabling the ScreenSaver
"SS analog clock" - an analog watch on ScreenSaver
"SS timeout (min)" - ScreenSaver's timeout
"SS Invert/Normal" - invert colour of the ScreenSaver
"SS detect activ.(ICQ)" - not to include ScreenSaver on MobileICQ
"Disable standart SS" - on/off. standard ScreenSaver (killing standart saver's process, is required restart phone)

Applications settings:
"0 key launch Opera" - start Opera on long striking "0" on worker table
"Launch Opera mini" - start Mini Opera

MM keys Settings:
"MP3 key capture" - use the MM a key. It Is Required rerun of the body, after installing in condition "Off"
"MP3 key to Radio" - if already uncared-for Visual Radio, that actuates on striking MM without ABC

MP3 mode (for unhooking подсветки telephone falls into lock mode, but control is saved while incomplete):
"Auto set MP3 mode" - automatically fall into mode MP3 Mode (without backlight) on ScreenSaver's timeout

The Registration key:
"Reg key:" - a key is entered digital button, on completion of the entering in menu choose "Registration"

All adjusting the program are produced by joystick.
For more advanced users can help file itself to desksides of the program: "!:\system\shareddata\10868686.ini"

Click here to download this file
