- DHR.CommMgrPro.QVGA.v2.2.Multilanguage.XScale.WM5. WM6.Cracked-SyMPDA
- DHR.CommMgrPro.VGA.v2.2.Multilanguage.XScale.WM5.W M6.Cracked-SyMPDA
- DHR.CommMgrPro.SQUARE.v2.2.Multilanguage.XScale.WM 5.WM6.Cracked-SyMPDA
Take full control over:
* Connections.
o Enable and Disable connections.
o Stablish and close connections.
* Band.
o Switch between GPRS, UMTS and auto modes. You can set a time limit (in minutes) so the program will switch back automatically to GPRS when the period expires.
o Turn on / Turn off Wifi.
* Bluetooth.
o Switch between modes (Off, Connectable and discoverable)
* Phone.
o Switch between Flight mode and On mode.
* Speaker.
o Turn on/off Bluetooth automatically on phone call
+ Switch between Normal, Mute and Vibrate modes.
o Manage all the functions and submenus using stylus, finger or jog-dial
o Let the program to close automatically iddle connections. The program will close any connection that hasnt data traffic in X seconds.
o The program includes a Today Plugin where you can check the current state of the device very quickly
o Tested in HTC s200, HTC Artemis, HTC TynT, HTC trinity, HTC Athena and Treo 750. Some ETEN devices doesnt provide Cell Id info.
o All the duties of BandSwitch are included
Based on your location (GSM Cell ID) you can:
* Create profiles (Home, work, ...) and assign cells to them.
* Create time frames for those profiles (day, night...).
* Execute actions automatically when you enter or exits any LAC, profile or profile-timeframe:
o Set the state of your connections, band, wifi, bluetooth, phone and speaker,...
o Play sounds, songs and open files(scripts, documents, etc)
o Activate or deactivate call forwarding
o Activate or deactivate "Allow Incomming beam" option
o Set CPU mode or turn on/off screen
o Send sms and emails.
o Enable or disable connections.
o Select today themes (tsk)
o Select screen light level (tsk)
o ...and much more.
The program will monitor your battery, data taffic, CPU usage and locations so it will offer statistics and statistics about battery drain, traffic....
- Use menus and submenus with the finger, jog-dial or stylus...
- Totally skinable. Create your skins with your images, colors, ...
- Activate any option with no time limit or during some minutes (1, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120) or up a date. In this way, for example, you can set bluetooth on, or UMTS, or wifi on only for the next X minutes avoiding battery draining
Manage your favourites places, assign lacs or cells to them and choose icons for them.
- Two locations modes:
1. LAC Mode: Each Location Area Code may be from 500 meters to 4 km, depending if you are in or out a city.
2. Cell ID Mode: Each Cell ID may be from 50 meters to 1 km, depending if you are in or out a city.
- Assign images to your places. Use the stock images or choose your own files.
- Schedule different periods to make the device behave in different ways for the same place depending on the current time.
- You can set "Close Idle connections" turned on and specify the frequency data traffic will be checked.
* When Comm Mgr Pro detects a new connections it waits 20 seconds.
* Then checks current data flow.
* Waits x seconds (user configured)
* If there isnt data traffic then close the connection. If there is traffic then waits again.
* Checks are scheduled using operative system time notifications so checks will be done althought the device is in idle or power off states
- Manage all your GPRS-UMTS-HSDPA-EDGE-EVDO connections in a very easy way. Simply tapping the cells you can:
1. Enable and Disable a connection. When a connection is disabled it cant be used by any application and It wont connect until It was enabled again.
2. Connect and Disconnect a connection. Click that column will connect or disconnect that connection.
3. Set a connection as "always on" or not. When a connections is set a "always on" Windows will try to keep that connection in "Connected" state always.
4. Select your default connection. This connection will be choosen when you want to stablish a connection in main panel.
Version V2.1(2008-07-24)
- Improved call forwarding action. Now you can choose the same kind of options like standard phone program
- New "Restore" actions. You can choose to restore any option to previous state. For example: On enter Speaker off, on exit Restore Speaker (to same value as it was).
- The user can reassign a profile as "default profile" in the profiles tab (menu/profiles/mark as default profile). This profile hasn't cells associated and is applied when the location is unknown.
- CMP ask confirmation before importing a xml data file found on the device.
- English and German translation and help files have been fixed by Ralf Rutkat. Thanks?.Some dialogs without help page now have it.
- Test menu disabled. Ask me if you need access to it (testers, traductors, etc).
- When CMP says that user must restart to apply changes It can be done in that moment (yes/no buttons).
- Phone going off bug fixed.
- MUCH Bug fixing
o There are towers on each country with same cell id. So now the primary key for Cell Mode will be CellID + LAC. CMP will convert your database so make a backup before and will fill the lac information each time it finds a cell with lac equals 0
o Compatibility with HTC Touch Diamond and HTC Touch Pro (Fixed Band manager, speaker manager, GPS manager and some GUI changes).
o New option to repair the database.
o New page for connections option (In connections/menu/options)
o Option to disable/enable connections on roaming
o Option to CMP startup delayed on page Options 3.
o Option to Show/Hide the main window after start CMP.
o Clicking on the higher part of the battery bar opens the battery page
o Clicking on the lower part of the battery bar opens the battery page
o Hide button is raplaced by calendar button.
o New Today tab. This dialog lets you see the next events that will happen in the current place, including calendar events, "Always on" schedules and other events (time limits, etc)
http://rapidshare.com/files/144757832/D ... SyMPDA.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/144758079/D ... SyMPDA.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/144758762/D ... SyMPDA.rar