File Name: Basic4ppc v6.30 incl Desktop All Ppc Cracked
File Submitter: momax
File Submitted: 10 Oct 2008
File Category: PocketPC / Palm Software
Windows Mobile development and Pocket PC programming has never been easier.
Basic4ppc (Basic for Pocket PC), is a simple yet powerful development environment which targets Windows Mobile, Pocket PC devices and Windows desktops.
Basic4ppc includes a large set of libraries such as: GPS, Network, Database (SQL), Serial ports, FTP, HTTP (web services), HTTP, Graphics, Pocket Outlook
Complete development environment on the Pocket PC or on the desktop.
Build your applications GUI with the visual designer, add some code and your done.
SmartHelp and AutoComplete.
Whenever you write a control's name, a list of all its properties and methods pops-up for you to choose from.
When writing one of the keywords, its syntax will show up to help you get through all the parameters.
Distribute your applications royalty free.
You are free to distribute your compiled applications without any restrictions.
Basic4ppc allows you to compile your applications to standalone Windows / Device executables.
WYSIWYG Visual Designer.
Place a control on the form, drag it, resize it, and change its properties.
With the Visual Designer you can focus on the real programming and build the GUI in no time.
Basic4ppc is based on Microsoft .NET Compact Framework.
Microsoft .NET CF is the new leading way to develop applications that are compatible with all handheld computers running Microsoft OS.
Windows Mobile 2003 SE and newer devices are already installed with .NET CF.
Older devices need to install it before using Basic4ppc.
Basic4ppc version 6.30 introduces the following new features:
- Most libraries are merged into the executable during compilation.
- Image files are embedded in the executable during compilation.
- New compilation target: Forced QVGA. Creates executables that use the double pixel method.
This causes high resolution screens (480x640) to behave as regular screens (240x320).
Making it simpler to target VGA and QVGA devices with the same application.
- Line continuation character - The underscore character (_) allows you to break long lines to several shorter lines.
- New Array keyword makes initializations of one dimension arrays, two dimensions arrays and structures simpler.
- AutoComplete - By pressing Ctrl + Space a list of all variables, subs, controls and objects will show.
- New improved Find & Replace dialog (desktop IDE).
- All known bugs were fixed.
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