File Submitter: momax
File Submitted: 10 Oct 2008
File Category: PocketPC / Palm Software
Acrobat Reader 2 for PPC: Improved version 2.1
Requirements: PPC (tested on WM5 and WM6)
Overview: Anyone know acrobat reader, if you read pdf on your PDA you have probably use this software BUT...
you have certainly think that adobe make better software and your PPC deserved something better so...
Here is my dump version
What is special: (what i've done)
-Compress *.dll and *.exe with UPX4PPC (This version is 3.27 mb (original is 7.20mb))
-Start faster (cause remove useless plugins like print, but reflow mode is maintened (most usefull fonction for me))
-Icon looks better (for me)
What I havent done: change code, put viruses (dosen't really exist on PPC), put a microwave function (but could be usefull...)
INSTALL instruction:
1. Unpack Acrobat_Reader folder on your storage card (for example)
At this time acrobat is fully fonctional but to improve resolution and open dialog (VGA device):
2. Put on your windows folder the two *.cpl files provided (forcehires is only needed for VGA device)
3. Reset your pda
4. Check your personal settings and enable hiresolution for acrobat (use browse fonction) et enable the alternative file dialog
5. enjoy a fully fonctional pdf viewer which is much lighter than the official realese (and which has smarter icon). (Reflow mode maintened).
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